Young adults only

Young adults only

When life call you back to reality asking you to step out of your comfort zone, you just have to take the bull by the horns and hope for the best.

I had one of those moments, where you start realizing you’re growing older too. Not only the others around you. I know, it sounds naive, but that’s how it felt. 

When my dad told me he had a serious health problem, my world collapsed. Even though I’m a free spirit, I’m very tight to my family. I don’t know where I would be without them. Fortunately, it was something manageable with a surgery. But still, at the time, we didn’t know if it would be sort it out afterward. 

When something like that happens, all your personal worries disappear in the blink of an eye. Just like that you detach automatically from everything.

You actually see things from a different prospective. If, for example, you were mourning a lost love, naturally, it doesn’t concern you anymore. The veil in your mind is lifted, you catch a glimpse of the truth so who cares about the job you don’t like or the person that doesn’t wanna be with you or whatever else is bothering you. It’s a call for action, at least that’s how I identify it.

It’s the time where you start acting like an adult aligned to your own authenticity and make changes where you need them to be. 

It pushes you to see all the useless layers and chains you have been holding on. Life happens every moment you breathe. It doesn’t wait for you to be ready. It toss you out of your little bubble and thank God it happens like that. Unexpected it pushes you so you can explore your limits and grow.  

From my side, I have been holding on my share of things. My fear of failure have been dominating me and influenced my decisions. I retained myself because I thought I was not prepared enough. And it’s tricky. It’s an excuse so you don’t make that step forward to show who you can be. 

As said before, life kicks your butt so you can move out of that little cave you made for yourself.

It does it in some weird ways, that’s how it gets your attention. We usually underestimate what we already have. Being grateful of what we have accomplished until now, opens the doors to being present in this moment. And whatever the moment is, is worth feeling it and breathing in through.

We are meant to shine bright. To be and adult means being aware of your worth. 

I have had the honor, during this transitional moment, to discover new tools, new experiences, new people that otherwise I wouldn’t. 

I was surprised of how things shaken up and then fall into place gracefully. What no longer served, was gone. There was space for different, original, unfamiliar new pieces of me. 

  • Vera Vershal
    Posted at 19:59h, 28 March

    Sooooooo inspiring and full of light 🙏🏻It’s all about values

    • Caro
      Posted at 21:31h, 28 March

      Thank you!!!Yep, you are’s all about values =)

  • Guia
    Posted at 20:52h, 28 March

    😍😍😍 il miglio post che hai scritto fino adesso..e già gli altri erano super!

  • Guia
    Posted at 21:23h, 28 March

    Your best post.
    Per quello che mi concerne,il tuo miglior post fino ad ora…e gli altri già, erano super. 6 grande!

    • Caro
      Posted at 21:30h, 28 March


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