
Right now the Moon is in the part of the sky known as Piscis. On February 20th we’ll have the New Moon, meaning that the moon will be directly in between Earth and the Sun. The sunlit side will face away from Earth,...

And all that you have dreamed is almost there, right there in front of you ready to grab it..You can grasp it..It looks like a cloud of illusions, not sure if it is really there near by or if it is still so...

We are like sponges, absorbing all of it from everything and everyone. Non realistic expectation from your boss, family duties, a long lasting relationship with someone which is not what you wish to be, for us ladies pre period also it can get...

Mi viene da ridere solo a pensarci…Quante volte abbiamo sentito dire o abbiamo detto ad altri per giustificarci beh cose da donne… Ed in effetti ci sono discorsi che, diciamolo pure senza peli sulla lingua, a voi uomini non é che vi importino molto....

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